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Simple Steps for File Income Tax Extension.

Do you need more time to prepare your tax return? Look no further than Form 4868 for personal tax extension and Form 7004 for business tax extension. And if you need help completing Form 4868 and Form 7004, look no more than this article. Here are tips for finishing the income tax extension form without a problem.

1. Paper free Extension - Keep yourself the hassle of filling out paper forms. No extra papers to deal with, just a suitable electronic form.

2. It's the only way to get IRS verification that your income tax extension has been approved. Qualified E-File providers, like FileLater, will remain track of your online tax extension request and inform you when it has been approved by the IRS. With the IRS paper Form 4868 or Form 7004, there is no way of meaningful if your income tax extension has been approved or not.

3. Online Income Tax Extension is fast. E-Filing your online extension form can be filled out and submitted in just few minutes. Take the March 15 (business tax deadline) April 18 (personal tax deadline) load off your shoulders this year without breaking a worry.

4. It's the favorite method of the IRS. Everyone is going paperless these days, and the IRS is no exemption. Over 95 million people filed their income taxes online in 2010. Online Income Tax Extension makes happy you and the IRS both.

5. Nothing gets lost in the mail. No more standing in line at the post office on tax day! When you E-File your income tax extension request, you don't have to worry about it slipping through the cracks in the chaos of tax season.